
Home Remedies – Top Natural Remedies for Acne, Backache, Cold, Obesity and More

Fed up from the side effects of the medication, people are now shifting towards alternative therapies for the cure & treatment of common problems. In the process, they are also learning more about the benefits of natural cures & remedies.

In this article, we’ll take a look at these home remedies that range from ancient to very popular in their usage and success rates.

It’s not all just about commercial products & DIY remedies, you can also try these natural cures if you’re aiming to get rid of acne problems, weight loss, or even boost your immunity.

Scroll down to know more about this.

1. Turmeric – The Alkaline Remedy for Acne & Pimples
Acne is a skin disease that affects the skin pores and causes an inflammation within the pores leading to redness and dark spots on the skin. One can experience acne scars as well. While there are various treatments available for treating acne, our natural remedy for acne is turmeric.

– Lemon: This citrus fruit has been used for centuries as one of the best home remedies for fixing up skin problems such as acne or sunburn.

– Lemon juice: To begin with, you only have to rub the lemon juice on the affected area of skin. Be sure to do this several times per day. Once your skin gets used to the acidity in lemon, increase its amount every day.

– Washcloth: Alternatively, you can use a cloth to apply the lemon juice. Dab it on your face & leave it for about 10 minutes before washing it off with plain water. Use moisturizer if necessary.

– Sugar scrub: If you want an even more vigorous treatment, make a concoction from one tablespoon of sugar & two tablespoons of lemon juice. Rub this on your face for about 5-10 minutes & then use lukewarm water to wash it off. This is recommended for oily skin.

– Apple cider vinegar: Another very effective home remedy that you can try out is apple cider vinegar. This is more effective than lemon in removing the excess oil from your skin while also killing any bacteria hidden there.

– Ginger: Another popular choice, ginger not only improves blood circulation but also tightens the skin and makes it look younger as well. It’s also quite effective when it comes to curing acne as well as chicken pox scars.

– Honey: It’s a natural antiseptic that can be used to cure small cuts, burns, and skin infections. So you can use it to cure problems like acne.

– Tea tree oil: You’ll find this oil in most medical stores and will work wonders for your skin. In fact, even dermatologists recommend using tea tree oil for treating acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems.

– Oatmeal: Your grandma probably told you about how oats could help relieve itching from rashes or sunburns. You can use this remedy for your acne as well, but you have to make a mixture of oatmeal and water. Use it as a face wash to get rid of pimples.

– Witch hazel: This is another excellent ingredient that can help you get rid of your pimples overnight. It has antiseptic properties so using this on a regular basis will keep your skin disease-free.

– Banana: Another inexpensive home remedy that you can use are banana peels. These are rich in natural enzymes that help fight off bacteria, which not only help cure acne but also stimulate the growth of new skin cells and leave your skin looking healthy and glowing.


Backache is a common problem. It can occur due to various reasons. In many cases, it is a symptom that the immune system is weak or there may be some other existing disease in the body.

Many people think it is not as serious as pain in other parts of the body, and they don’t take it seriously. However, they are wrong. It is serious because after some time it might affect your daily activities and you won’t be able to perform your work perfectly due to which you may lose your job and also your self-confidence. Therefore, you should treat backaches at their initial stage before this happens.

Natural Remedies:
– Ice pack: It has been proved that ice packs are quite effective in giving relief to aches and pains.

– Massage: Your backache can be treated by getting a massage. You can either ask your doctor to recommend a massage therapist or learn about how to give the appropriate massage for the given condition.

– Natural oils: There are various natural oils available in the market that you can use for treating backaches. However, it is always better if you make oil at home, as it will be safer for you and also it will provide more benefits than what you will get from store-bought oil.

– Therapeutic massage: You can also go for a therapeutic massage, but this will be more expensive as compared to the above options. However, if you are in such a condition where you are unable to undergo an ordinary massage, it is advisable that you opt for this option.

– Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient oriental technique in which needles are inserted into specific points of the body. These punctures the acupuncture points, which lead to the release of certain chemicals in the body and thus provide relief.

– Relaxation techniques: There are various relaxation techniques, which can help you relax your tense muscles and relieve backache.

Cold is an infectious disease that is caused by the virus. It is also known as acute respiratory infection (ARI) in medical terms. Cold is highly contagious and spreads mostly from person to person. It affects the nose, throat, and other small passages in the body through which air flows.

Natural Remedies:
– Hot water: One of the great home remedies for cold is having a hot water bath. For this, you have to take a basin full of hot water, mix some salt with it and then dip yourself into it for about 15 minutes. This will increase your body temperature and thus decrease your cold symptoms.

– Vinegar: The vinegar should be made using molasses as it will give instant relief from cold. You have to mix one cup of vinegar with 3 cups of water, bring the mixture to a boil and then apply it on your chest, face, and throat.

– Hot lemon water: This is another remarkable home remedy for cold. Take some hot water, add some lemon juice to it and then drink the mixture slowly for about 15 minutes. This will act as a decongestant and thus relieve your cold symptoms instantly.

– Honey: Honey is also an effective remedy for colds. You have to take a bowl of hot water and 2 teaspoons of honey and then consume it. However, you should not consume honey directly because that is not good for your health.

– Tea: If you want to get instant relief from a cold, then tea is the best thing to do. First of all, make a cup of tea and then add honey to it. You should drink this every two hours until you get relief.

Obesity is a condition where you have a high-fat content in your body. This may be because of overeating or excessive body weight.

Natural Remedies:
– Exercise: There are various exercises that you can do to control your obesity and thus lead a healthy life. However, it is always better if you go for an exercise regime that is suitable for your age and body weight as well.

– Weight loss supplement: If you want to lose weight then there are many natural supplements available in the market that will help you do this effectively. For example, raspberry ketone capsules, garcinia Cambogia, and apple cider vinegar are some of the top natural options that can help you lose weight fast and easily.

– Avoid junk food: There are many things in everyday life which are unhealthy and cause obesity. Examples of these are greasy, spicy foods, processed foods, and even alcohol. Therefore, it is always better for you to avoid eating such things. However, if you can’t do so then try to eat less of these unhealthy items.

– Avoid eating before bedtime: It has been proven that eating before going to bed can lead to irregular sleep patterns and thus make it difficult for you to lose weight in a healthy way. So try not to eat before going to bed at night.

Finally, Here is our list of top natural remedies for some more common ailments, along with a brief introduction about them and their benefits:
• Depression – aloe vera juice helps relieve depression and mood swings. Take two tablespoons of fresh aloe juice daily
• Excess hair growth – Carrot seed oil helps reduce hair fall by 30% and dandruff by 70%
• Eye puffiness – Massage calendula oil on your affected eye area. Can also be taken as a supplement
• Fluid retention – turmeric works great for this problem. Take half a teaspoon three times daily together with ginger root powder or peppermint extract for best results.

Natural remedies are the best option to manage backache, cold, and obesity as it helps to save money and also give you a healthier life.

Out of all the treatments offered by modern medicine, herbal medicine is one of the most affordable. Although not approved by governments and traditional Western medicine, it is gaining more popularity in the twenty-first century because many people have recently recognized its advantages. In some cases, herbs can even be more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts and with fewer side effects.

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